Ney on High? Hardly
Related to the Newsweek debacle this week, Ohio Rep Bob Ney (R) has been exceptionally vocal and critical, calling Newsweek's actions "criminal".
Yet Mr. Ney seems to own an extremely glass-fronted home for such a passionate stone-thrower. Indeed, Mr. Ney is strongly implicated in the lobbyist free-for-all that is clipping the wings of that little GOP angel, Tom DeLay. That his name hasn't come up as often as Hot Tub Tom's is fortunate for him, but the investigation is ongoing.
Fortunate for him, too, that the GOP has been spinning attention at Newsweek and trying to have Norm Coleman turn Brit MP George Galloway on the spit this week, thus reducing the amount of press time given to the DeLay lobbyist issue and the delicate subject of "ethics" with our Congress critters, America's own heavy-handed role in the Oil for Food scandal, America's policy of torture and shame against detainees (few of which have ever been found to either be terrorists or involved even marginally in anti-US actions), and the like.
Thankfully, too, the press has given little attention to that nutcase Neal Horseley's admission that not only is he happy to have so-called abortion doctors live in fear for their lives thanks to his actions, that he also not just consumes large amounts of illegal drugs but also has a fondness for sex with mules (this offered by him in an interview).
Yes, these political types keep telling us how moral and righteous they are compared with the faithless whore Democrats, but when was the last time you heard about a Dem or an Independent using kids and farm animals for sexual gratification? Or telling their congregation how to vote? Or denying the right to worship to others? Or telling a GOP member what to do with his or her body?