
And Yet More

This, from Raw Story, indicating the Koran allegations - as I believe I've noted before - are not new:

Contrary to White House assertions, the allegations of religious desecration at Guantanamo published by Newsweek May 6 are common among ex-prisoners and have been widely reported outside the United States, RAW STORY has learned.

Several former detainees at the Guantanamo and Bagram airbase prisons have reported instances of their handlers sitting or standing on the Quran, throwing or kicking it in toilets, and urinating on it.

Where the Newsweek report likely erred was in saying that the U.S. was slated to acknowledge desecrating the Quran in internal investigations, and in relying on a single anonymous source to make grave allegations. But reports of desecration are manifold.

One such incident—during which the Koran allegedly was thrown in a pile and stepped on—prompted a hunger strike among Guantanamo detainees in Mar. 2002, which led to an apology. The New York Times interviewed former detainee Nasser Nijer Naser al-Mutairi May 1, who said the protest ended with a senior officer delivering an apology to the entire camp.
"A former interrogator at Guantanamo, in an interview with the Times
And yet the 101st Fighting Keyboard brigade is already branding this "Rathergate II" and adding Isikoff- the breaker of the Lewinsky-Tripp scandal - to the scalps they wear on their Wal-Mart-purchased belts.

If Isikoff is part of the Vast Left Wing Conspiracy, then I'm a Reagan disciple. And, btw, I'm not.