
Luis Posada

This man was responsible at the very least for 73 deaths - many of them young people part of a sports team - when he helped down an airliner as an act against Cuba. For us to bully the other countries of the world into submission to turn over whom we deem as terrorists and to act to protect Posada is indeed hypocrisy. Posada was trained and paid by our government to commit acts of terrorism. But he's completely unrepentant. Even today, he said he would not renounce violence; he would do whatever he could to bring down Castro.

I'm no great lover of Castro; no one looks at how Cuba has gone who can respect him. But damn, the only reason he's still in power is because the U.S., in blind support of powerful, rich Cuban Americans who were not "the little people of Cuba", has gone after Castro so often that we've triggered support for Castro from other quarters. Until 15 or so years ago, Russia offered protection for Castro; since then, there have been other protectors. Castro will die of old age before "we get it". We're still fighting a war we lost more than 40 years ago. If these ancient Cubans get back to Cuba, the first thing they would do is throw "the little people" out of their homes and become the nasty ruling class they were before Castro kicked them out.

But I'm not terribly interested that Castro wants Posada. The point is that this man - this monster of our creation - needs to be tried and sentenced for his crimes, as surely as anyone else who has committed acts of terror.

Until today, US officials hedged and pretended they didn't know where he was - bullshit, since Posada moves frequently around the Florida Cuban community. Now he's in US custody, but watch them not turn him over. Then they'll puff up and act righteous when some other country won't turn over a suspect with no where near the evidence against him of Posada.