
Amusing? Not Really

Perhaps if I were in a more humorous frame of mind (and this country was not headed down such a perilous, perhaps even ruinous path toward a future of regress), I might laugh a bit about two points Mr. and Mr. Bush pushed in the last 24 hours.

First, Dubya appeared at a college commencement in which he told the graduates to commit themselves to America. Mr. Bush needs to look closer to home. His daughters graduated more than a year ago. Except for a brief few weeks on daddy's re-election campaign (just in case the Diebold machines erroneously recorded votes correctly rather than the way they were programmed to spit out Bush as the winner) in which they bared their midriffs and stuck out their tongues at the press, the twins have done diddly shit except run up nightly bar/club bills in the thousands, attend fashion shows and concerts (where middle class wage-earning Secret Service agents were known to buy or use pull to get the rich twins tickets), get drunk, perform sexually provocative dances, smoke dope, and generally break a bunch of the laws that poorer and less white people their age sometimes get jail or prison time for.

Or was Mr. Bush suggesting these college graduates enlist to fight his many wars, including his apparent plans for Iran. If so, he needs again to look closer to home. Except for a week or two of hotshot internships, the twins have never worked a day in their lives. They're available for service. No, I joke not.

Second, we hear Mrs. Bush is in the midwest "promoting women's rights". Really? Isn't that just too funny, considering Mr. Bush is trying to single-handedly turn women back into chattel? Taking women out of combat, trying to make it impossible for them to choose anything but abstinence or pregnancy, insisting that women in the press request security clearance by their married names rather than their given ones, suggesting women should be able to stay home with the kids and leave the "good" jobs for their hubbies (funny since most families need at least two incomes to survive now), and other happy, regressive horseshit.

Mrs. Bush, of course, came of age in a time when her husband was NOT presideent. So she could choose to smoke (and according to some reports, sell) dope and choose, after years of education, to leave her job YEARS before she became a mother (for all the talk about her "years" as a teacher and librarian, she only worked a few years). I mean, a nice Texas lady doesn't actually work. That's for low class people, like Mrs. Bush's cleaning lady.