David Sirota Proves the Point I Made Early
Here (and David's usually an excellent and insightful commentator):
From the if-it-smells-like-a-conspiracy-it-probably-is-one department, check this out. At the same time the corporate-owned Bush White House is desperately trying to intimidate the media, one of the Republican Party's major financial contributors is now threatening the media as well.
As Daniel Gross notes (see link below), the financial firm Morgan Stanley is essentially letting publications know that they will be financially punished if those publications have the nerve to aggressively cover corporate scandals.
It seems Big Business and the Bush administration will only be happy if reporters write glowing stories about how everything is just dandy in America, how Corporate America is a bastion of honesty and how the Bush administration is led by angelic heroes. Maybe they'd like to simply eliminate news coverage altogether...we will see if the media cowers. Let's hope they don't.