Please tell me I'm not the only one out there who actually sits down with a pile of forms, a calculator, a pencil, and boxes of crap to look up to do their taxes.
I know, I know. I sound like a neoluddite. And yes, it's pretty damned strange that I live, work, and play attached to a keyboard but sit me in front of TurboTax or one of the other software preps and I choke up faster than Dubya trying to spell Lotzalieza er, Condoleeza (I'm hoping he can spell Rice).
Accounting, budget proposals, whatever else... no problemo. Tax software that asks you questions turns me into autism in the sense that they feel that autism may be differentiated by an inability to filter so that they get overwhelned by sensory input.
But, alas, the feds are sent - including the quarterly for next year - and I onlt have 301 more calculations to do for the state.