Statistically Yours
BitchPhD points us to something at the Minnesota Women's Press about blogs and women:
One study published in “Into the Blogosphere,” a collection of scholarly materials covering blogging, looked at a sample of media coverage of bloggers and found that male bloggers were mentioned 88 percent of the time and women bloggers just 12 percent. Is that because more men are blogging? Not according to a 2003 study by Perseus Development Corporation, which estimated that 56 percent of blogs are created by women.I do hear rather frequently that there are "just a handful of women-run blogs."
That's obviously wrong, but there's also the nature of blogs where the gender of the author is not specified. I can think of at least a dozen blogs I began reading about two years ago in which I have only recently learned the primary blogger is female. I questioned whether to go that way myself. Sometimes, the relatively anonymity of the 'net can work for you.
But I've never been that motivated to hide under a blanket (a few cold mornings in January aside).