Goats? Again the Nutwing's Fascination with Bestiality
While discussing the case of two male Massachusetts inmates who requested prison officials' permission to marry, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly said that gay marriage will eventually lead to people petitioning courts to marry goats. O'Reilly has voiced a similar idea before, as Media Matters for America has noted.
No, actually, I don't think anyone is going to petition the court to marry O'Reilly. Not even Ken Mehlman.
But for pete's sake, what is the great fascination that Rick Santorum has with man-on-dog sex and O'Reilly with goat marriage (and loofahs and falafel!)? These are both men who claimed Clinton put the country in the gutter (even though it was Ken Starr who insisted we hear all about cigars and fellatio) and yet they flip off bestiality references like this is Caligula's Pub on Friday night after the kiddies have gone to bed. As I recall, O'Reilly's on before lots of kiddies go to bed. Where's the FCC censorship here? Is Brent Bozell writing letters? Is the Concerned Women of America trying to figure out how to spell FCC so they can complain?
I mean, isn't it bad enough that we're letting Condi pretend she's the other Mrs. George Bush? Polygamy seems a tad kinky, too. Plus if there's really one thing you don't need is more than one spouse.
Really, Righties. Let's take the conversation level up a notch. Stop wallowing in a hot tub or gutter.