Bill O'Reilly Lies: Calls Pope Senile Then Says He Didn't
What a surprise, eh?
When I first read this, I knew O'Reilly was lying because someone I know was quite upset when O'Reilly first said this (and notable because there are so many other reasons to be angry at Bill than calling the Pope senile).
Also not surprising, I didn't agree with Bill O'Reilly. I don't believe the Pope was senile at or before his death. He was in much worse shape than the Vatican chose to reveal, but I suspect and hope his mental processes were very much intact regardless of his failing body. As a "sophisticated culture", we're not exceptionally bright at understanding that a mind can still work like a timepiece inside a body that no longer responds to the brain's commands.
But O'Reilly (yet another non-surprise) opted to call the man senile rather than conceive of a more appropriate reason why the Pope failed his followers on the issue of the priest sex abuse. And how typical of O'Reilly to lie about this fact now just as he shrugged off his rhetoric about the Pope in the buildup to war in Iraq.