
The America! Coalition Launches

The America! Coalition (TAC) launches today, a non profit organization focused on advocating forward-looking ideas that build on the progressive foundation that has made America great. "Our nation was built on the idea of shared national responsibility in order to reduce risk and increase freedom for our citizens, and TAC will aggresively present that perspective to the nation any way we can," said co-director Shant Mesrobian, 24.

"The conservative movement, at it's core, is about abandoning the responsibility to keep America free and vibrant. Their policies cater to those who wish to abstain from building America's common foundation of opportunity and freedom. We're going to reject that and put America back on its progressive course," said Oliver Willis, 27, TAC's co-director.

The organization will use the full arsenal of communications tools - video, print, internet, and audio - to continually educate and advocate the application of freedom to American lives.

The America! Coalition: http://www.americacoalition.org
Contact: info@americacoalition.org