"What's Bush Smoking These Days?" OR "Whatever He's Smoking, I Don't Want Any of It!"
Also from Blah3 regarding our befuddled president BushieTwoShoes:
It's getting hard to tell if he's completely delusional or if he just isn't really trying anymore. From today's radio address:Freedom has brought hope to millions, and it's helped foster the development of young democracies from Baghdad to Beirut.
I suppose Hezbollah is the "force of terror" Bush refers to in Lebanon. And yet, Hezbollah never attacked Lebanon, and the last time I looked, they have people who have been elected to the Parliament.
Yet these young democracies are still fragile, and the forces of terror are seeking to stop liberty's advance and steer newly free nations to the path of radicalism. The terrorists fear the rise of democracy because they know what it means for the future of their hateful ideology.
It is no coincidence that two nations that are building free societies in the heart of the Middle East, Lebanon and Iraq, are also the scenes of the most violent terrorist activity. We will defeat the terrorists by strengthening young democracies across the broader Middle East.
Of course you could claim they've terrorized Israel, but there goes your "fragile young democracy" part of the equation.
And of course we all know the problem in Iraq isn't terrorists--it's civil war. Although people are indeed terrorized by death squads--which in many cases are linked to the Interior Ministry, part of that "fragile young democracy" itself.
No, if Bush really wanted to talk about terrorist activity, he might mention the plan to attack planes flying between Britain and the US. Of course, no young democracies are involved there, and the suspects are British citizens with ties to our ally, Pakistan. Kinda mucks up your fantasy world, donnit George?