
Advice for Great Britain's Tony Blair

To: Tony Blair, PM of Great Britain, aka Bush's bitch aka Bush's poodle
From: Your "friend" across the Atlantic

Dear Tony (I hesitate to think Mr. Bush's "pet" name for you is
since a name like "Tony" would be so tough both for him to remember as well as
pronounce properly

I hear you're miffed and feel as if your great friend, George W. Bush, has
"betrayed" you on the issue of Lebanon.

Well, that's the strange thing: you
can't have any contact whatsoever with the village idiot
um... leader of the free world, Dubya, without feeling betrayed,
marginalized, overbilled, underappreciated, purposely deceived, ridiculed,
ostracized, butt-fucked, and threatened. That seems to be part of the
Bush-Cheney charm

Please, if there is anything else the president can fail to do for
you after you've been his ever-so-compliant bitch, let us know!