
Sad Symbolic Act of Intolerance

About a month ago, on East Hill Road where I live, a sign with a dove stating "War is not the answer" appeared out of nowhere placed along a narrow part of the dirt road almost where you would have to know it was there to see it. I was quite pleased to discover it actually because the town of 600 where I live happens to be about the only reddish purple town in Washington County - you're more apt to see Republican signs than anything else.

Today as I ran down to Cabot to get some food, I noticed that, after a month of that sign surviving bad drivers, horrendous storms, etc., the sign had been vandalized.

Oh, the sign was still there, but someone had gone to some degree of effort to cut out the part of the sign with the dove of peace. The words remained, but all the dove was gone. It would have been much easier to destroy the entire sign or to remove it altogether than to take one piece.