More Than $100 Billion Spent By Feds in New Orleans And Much of the Area Has Not Yet Been Touched
Have you seen any of the most recent pictures? Many areas look as bad, if not worse, as in the first days after Hurricane Katrina hit there a year ago. Tens of thousands of families (not just individuals) still await word that they can go home.
Now we hear from the Army Corps of Engineers that the refortified levee system may not stand up to another big hurricane, and there happens to be a storm - right now Ernesto is classified as a tropical storm but it could reach hurricane status before it comes aground the middle of this coming week - about to hit.
Bush promised again today in his radio address to make sure New Orleans would be safe. But all he did was hand huge fortunes over to no-bid contractors who took the money and delivered nothing.
Instead, we get the farce of the Republican sympathizer Rockey Vaccarella who shows up at the White House in a FEMA trailer (uh, this is illegal, btw) for photo ops with Bush and to say that he wants Bush to get another four years in office. Vaccarella apparently has some vacant space between his ears, certainly large enough to house several FEMA trailers.