
Electrifying Obama

That's the general concensus about his keynote address tonight.

Right now, I'm listening to Ron Reagan (the younger and the still alive) speak about stem cells and the importance of the research. Some of the audience seems uneasy. His address is pretty novel and he's engaging. But I'm going to have to listen to this again. I'm distracted by some of the audience.

You know what's knocking my socks off? Ahem. No. It's not great sex and see, your dirty mind got me off-track.

What's amazing - to me - is that I didn't expect to watch the Convention. I planned to get transcripts after the fact. But the speakers have been all quite good and there's been as much analysis as anything (and far less simple Bush bashing than most would respect and that's good). Instead, I've watched at least ten speakers over two nights without that sneaking "God, I'm sitting through a speech" squirminess.

I hope this invigorates Kerry, sparks him.