Couple Thoughts on Kerry's Speech
Overall, I thought it was quite effective, and had enough specifics that those listening should have an idea of who he is. I also noticed he turned around Edward's "Hope is on the way" message of the other night into HELP is on the way.
Good. Most of us don't need more hope. We need more real changes. We've hoped for four years things would stop getting worse all the time. Some of us still hope. But you can't feed a hungry child entirely on hope, and you can't just hope your way out of most crises.
But I certainly came away with a few questions. End the backdoor draft of reservists and such? GREAT. But where are those 40,000 other troops Mr. Kerry wants going to come from? The prison population? With what's gone on for the past three years, I would think many Americans - even if inclined to want to do service - would very much question signing on the dotted line while we're in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Also, while I'm glad to see recognition of committed relationships between gays make so much headway over the last two years, I'm a little disappointed that Kerry and many Dems shied away from it.
Where's the health care idea for anyone more than seniors and kids? Yes, those are two very important groups. But most of the 44 million uninsured (I bet it's actually much higher now) are working people between 18 and 65 who are the working poor or stretched. Kerry mentioned help is on the way there, but where?