Snide..Check..Arrogant.. Check..Asshole... And Check!
Via Sadly No, I was pointed to the Uppish blog with a great shorter summary of Mr. Bush's interview with the Irish journalist:
Bush: Guess what? I'm a snide, arrogant, asshole who can't wipe the smirk off my face because I'm so gosh darned proud of myself for getting through that last sentence without screwing it up.I'd say that about sums it up. Nice work, folks.
Reporter: Mr. President, back to the war in Iraq...
Bush: Let me finish! I keep telling you how to do your job and you keep not doing it right. Guess what? I'm not done reciting empty phrases about freedom-loving 'mericans.
Reporter: Mr. President.....
Bush: Let me finish! Look, you ask the questions and I'll answer them, ya see. I'll answer them and guess what? You won't have a clue what the hell I'm talking about when I'm done. But guess what? That's ok because neither will I.
Reporter: Mr. President, the world is not a safer place now....
Bush: Let me finish! I'm the supreme commander of the world and the world is a better place because of a few other people. But mostly me. Listen, was the world a safe place on 9/11? No, but it is now because Saddam Hussein is in in power. Phew. Almost screwed that one up. But guess what? I don't want to talk about dead people. I want to talk about the world being a safer better place. If I keep repeating it, it just might come true.