Little Snot Green Neutered Balls Speak On Their Defeat
You have to love the people who flock to Little Snot Green Neutered Balls.. er, Little Green Footballs, as General J.C. Christian so ably points out here. [Sorry, I just cannot link to LGF directly, not when I'm still trying to work through the trauma of getting a mention on Sean Hannity's site by people for whom the brain is NOT a working organ.]
My two "favorites" - and again, go to the General to read them or get the link, if you really want to swim in that contaminated gene pool - are this:
- I think this demostrates pretty clearly that voting should be a privilege, NOT a right.
- and that: Bush is losing precisely because he has took the high road after 9/11 instead of Zyclon B-ing most of the muslim world after attacking our shores as they have been doing to our shipping since 1800.
This is a world war and not a tea party for the Yale/Harvard clique...
Islam must have a boot smashing into its face forever until it becomes a grown up religion not bent on murdering everyone on the planet...
What the f---?
Are these folks smoking methamphetamine with Pastor Ted Haggard while their smallest organs (brains or penis, either way) get massaged by a male prostitute?