
When the Cure is Worse than the Underlying Disease

I'm in nearly full agreement with this Brit editorial, which basically says that the global War on Terrorism on general is far worse than what it purports to "root out and kill".

In the wake of the bombings that caused death and disruption in London last month, there was a danger that the government would rush out ill-considered measures in response. At first sight - and the details remain obscure - that appears to be exactly what has happened. Tony Blair announced 12 proposals that he promised would "set a comprehensive framework for action in dealing with the terrorist threat in Britain". Yet Mr Blair's willingness to tamper with the Human Rights Act in order to send deportees to countries known to practice torture is alarming and could even jeopardise Britain's adoption of the European Convention on Human Rights.
Blair is now recasting London in the same image as Bush did America afer 9/11. One would think that the Brits, having watched us suffer pointless "chicken-minus-head syndrome" would put a cork in Blair.