
Is That a Finger Up Mr. Bush's Tush or Is He Just Happy to See You:?

From Recovering Liberal:

Help Wanted:

Person with limited intellectual skills to act as figurehead puppet in an evil unelected regime. Must be willing to take orders from Fascist puppet masters while pretending he’s in charge.

Lying with a straight face is a plus. Must be prepared to hire all of his puppet master’s buddies in positions for which they are unsuited. A belligerent attitude toward other countries and those with differing political views is a must. The successful applicant will receive a salary $400,000 per year plus all the graft that can be put into hidden trusts on his behalf. Free gas and oil for life. One week’s paid vacation will be provided for every five weeks worked.

Contact: Uber Fuhrers Karl and Dick at 1-800- ILUVHLABRTN.