Katherine Harris and GOP Lies
Related to that last post, let me say something about Harris' current lie that she was demonized by journalists adding "blue eyeshadow I never even owned!" to her photos during the 2000 election.
This is how far the GOP takes lies these days. They take the most obvious facts and ignore them. Instead, they spin lies that are so absurd, so ridiculous and, without even blinking, present them as facts over and over and over again, sure that each repetition wipes the actual truth away.
As you may recall, Harris had MANY televised press conferences during the 2000 election debacle. These events were carried live by a NUMBER of different news mediums. In them, you see again and again Harris wearing more makeup on her face at one time than I have EVER OWNED IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. How could someone possibly have PhotoShop-ed her from a live TV feed?
Since then, she's been similarly ridiculously made up. Is it ALL Photoshop?
Can she really - even to herself - believe that her problems are due to Photoshop and not her lack of ethics, her whoredom to the Bushies, her lies?