BTW, While You're Not Paying Attention to the Men Behind the Curtain
Evidence has been floating all around this week that:
- a) just as many felt, the abuse of prisoners and detainees was systematic and orders came from THE TOP (right now, they're pinning it on Rick Sanchez as a perjurer but I think somebody might want to talk to Donny or Dick)
b) That all the intelligence on both Iraq and terrorist threats was whacked - and then, of course, the Bushies cite the same damned stuff to threaten Iran and Syria, et al
c) That 2/3rds of the world's resources are already GONE
d) That the deficits are getting bigger everyday under Bush and Company
e) The American dollar is plummeting so fast that it's about to become as useful as Monopoly money
f) That our politicians so righteous about poor Terri Schiavo have plans in place to make sure your plug gets pulled if you need financial help
g) That they've cut billions more from the veterans while a draft looms closer and they scrambled to raise the "eligibility" age for national guardsman and reservists.