We're Still Being Moon-ed, You know - He Wants Democracy to End, Godship to Begin
Atrios points us to the Where is... Sun Myung Moon? blog that tells us:
The Washington Times owner's most recent of many consistent entreaties to toss democracy on the scrap-heap along with Communism:Don't just laugh. Congress, including many GOP senators and House Reps, hang on this man's every word. Not because they like him, of course, but because he's very rich and will patronize them (in the money sense of the term).The United States is proud of its democratic system, which carries the idea of brotherhood. She has to adopt the ideas of Parents and Godism. We have to discard relationships that resulted from the Fall.
It is time to have a new organization in a new era; then we can start with a strong mind. All of us have to have positive, active minds. As was done in Korea, you have to provide Divine Principle education to senators, congressmen, high national officials and those on the local level.1. Ever since the Garden of Eden, mankind has pursued the wrong relationships and forms of government.
2. Human beings are loyal to brothers. Instead, they should be bowing down to the True Parents.
3. The result of their sinful ways is democracy.
4. But the proper and ultimate relationship, Moon says, is sworn obedience to parents. (He calls himself the True Father.)
5. The U.S., therefore, must replace democracy with "Godism."
6. Moon urges his followers to continue laying the groundwork for his policy ideas by winning access to the U.S. Congress.
Dismissing him as a dangerous flake (although he's that, too) is a mistake considering the power he wields in Washington with his clout, his money, and ownership of United Press International and The Washington Times which, as you'll recall, is what the Bushies call the "real" newpaper of record.