
The Murtha-Hoyer-Pelosi House Majority Leader Issue: Behind The Scenes

While it's official that Steny Hoyer has won election by Democrats as House Majority Leader, making him deputy to newly-anointed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, I found some of the information provided in comments by regular contributor CK fascinating. Hope he won't mind me sharing it where it will be seen by more people.

    Hoyer is AIPAC's dem front man and Harmon is their front women on the dem side of the house ( along with uber Likudnik Lantos)

    Murtha is the Pentagon's voice.

    Murtha is loyal to PelosiHoyer is not

    They tried to nab Murtha in the ABSCAM sting many years back, but had a lot of difficulty since he didn't take the offered bribe.The talking heads can't stand Murtha because he is responsible for initializing the defeat of the rethugs.

    The Emmanuel/Hoyer/Harmon/Lantos crew dislikes him because he doesn't want to use American troops to further Israeli aims in the middle east.

    Pelosi could not duck on this, if she is to be an effective Speaker of the House, she has to have a loyal Majority leader and Hoyer is not that, and hasn't been loyal during his time as minority whip. Let's put it this way, the stakes in this battle are another 3-10 years of slow bleeding in Iraq or a clear timetable to have the US out of that situation ...

    In an even larger view, the shots at Murtha and the shots at Howard Dean are not occuring in a vacuum. There is a presidential election in 2 years. We already know that the rethugs will attempt to hang the situation in Iraq on the dems now that the dems are the majority.

    Carville works to elect Clintons not democrats just clintons. Dean is not a Clinton suck-up. Murtha is not a Clinton Suck-up. Dean appears to be untouched by Aipac, Murtha is on AIPAC's shit list.

    Pelosi will become in January the HIGHEST ranking Dem. She will outrank any senator, any ex pres, any rep. Speaker is two heartbeats away from the Oval; and you can bet that all the Bonesmen are praying to the skull of Geronimo that neither Bush nor Cheney has so much as flatulence for the next two years. Murtha strengthens Pelosi and that is scary to the clinton wing. So yeah this election is a bit more than just scratch ass and jollies.
We need to understand some of the machinations at work, especially given how different factions of the Democratic Party seem to be eating themselves even though they won last week.