Joe Lieberman: Torn Between Two Lovers, JoeMentum Shouldn't Leave His Drink Glass Unattended
Joe Lieberman keeps showing he has the loyalty and intelligence of a gnat. Says Joe, he insists on being listed in the Senate directory as an Independent Democrat - this despite the fact that Republicans worked 10 times harder and spent 20 times as much money getting him re-elected in Connecticut than it did for any of its own GOP candidates.
However, continues Joe, if the Democrats don't play nice with him (which I assume means to brown nose and beg him), he says he may jump parties and align himself with the Repugnants. However, Joe has already done that.
But if I were Joe, I would NOT leave my drink glass unattended at the Senate bar lest Karl Rove or Ken Mehlman slip some GHB (the date rape drug) into his glass. They already know Lieberman is a cheap slut so I suspect the people most apt to treat Joe-mentum badly are the Republicans!