
The Torture And Imprisonment of a U.S. Citizen And Counting Iraqi Deaths

Glenn Greenwald has quite a two-fer for us.

First, there is yesterday's excellent piece on what the Bush Administration has done - try torture - to one American citizen, Jose Padilla, who has yet to ever be proven to have done anything (go back to Olbermann's Death of Habeus Corpus posted here last night). Please, we can't afford to just believe the Bushies that Padilla, the night-shift-clerk-at-Taco-Bell-the-Bushies-say-is-big-terrorist kahuna, is guilty. What they do to Padilla they can do to me. They can do it to you. They can do it to your son and to your daughter, your mother and your father, your lover and your best friend.

Next, see what Glenn has to say about the unbelievably - and unconscionably - high death toll for Iraqi civilians since the U.S. invasion in March 2003. If we brought Iraq freedom, we brought them "freedom" from their lives, their jobs, their ways of life.

While you're at it, why not read how Glenn needs some support to keep his wise counsel on the Web for us all.