
Nobel Peace Prize

Before I tell you who won and why I'm reasonably pleased to see this, let me say that no matter who gets the Nobel Peace prize, there are always far right wingers complaining that President George Bush was not named. I'm serious, every damned year.

Peace? Peace?

Bush can't even spell peace, much let merit the prize!*** (see editorial note below)

Now the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize is a man (Bangladeshi Muhammed Yunus) who helped develop micro loans mostly in third world countries. For those unaware, the micro system works beautifully because the poorest of women (women are often used as the basis for micro loans because for whatever reason, women are most likely to network with friends to bring them into the loan network) can get small loans to begin businesses. Then, as they pay back the $3 or $30 or $300 dollar loans, they can get ever-increasing loan sizes to build the businesses the first loans created.

I've been following these types of programs for around two years now and they make sense. If only I were rich, I would start a system like that somewhere as well.

Ed. note: President Bush cannot spell WAR either. In fact, if we would ONLY limit Dubya to do what he could both spell and pronounce, we'd be in much, much better shape. No nucular. No peninishulars and definitely no strategeries.