Vermont's Next U.S. Congressman
Methinks Odum of Green Mountain Daily is a force to be reckoned with. In the Caledonian-Record News - which publishes in a bastion of Vermont's right-wing (we keep it geographically close to New Hampshire so they can secede there more easily) - a poll Odum cites now has Peter Welch the hands-on favorite over former Vermont National Guard adjutant Martha Rainville in the race for the seat Bernie Sanders is vacating, hopefully to become our U.S. Senator with the retirement of Gentlemen Jim Jeffords (and I still appreciate him so).
Now we just need to clone odum for November 2th.
Also, I happened to hear that Green Mountain Daily is Montpelier-based. I might have to buy Odum a cup of Capitol Grounds coffee (their sandwiches suck) on one of my forays to Capitol City (alas, I miss the days when you could see Howard Dean trundling along State Street). I'll try to remember my DNA swab clone kit when and if I get to meet odum.