Bush "Happy" With U.N. Resolution to "Stop the Violence" in the Middle East
Of course, George Bush is happy with the U.N. resolution, authored by the U.S. and France, supposedly to create a complete cessation of violence (cease fire) between Israel and Hezbollah/Hizbollah forces in Lebanon; he's happy because it isn't working to stop any violence which the president wants to advance the neocon scheme to go up against Iran and Syria.
Meanwhile media outlets like the Washington Post are happy to work Bush's magic behind the scenes with stories about how Iran wants to expand its nuclear activities.
The U.S. however is the LARGEST nuclear country and we're expanding ours dramatically all the freaking time. As I've asked so damn many times, why is it appropriate for the U.S. to do this (both for weaponry as well as domestic use), but it's pure evil for any country other than Israel (which isn't supposed to have nukes but DOES) to do so?