Naked Arrogance and Even Glee at the Fortuitous Alleged Terror Plot
This simply makes me violently ill that anyone - and especially the Bushies - could be so damned happy about the shit going on.
Weeks before September 11th, this is going to play big.’Meanwhile, however, President Bush's "approval" rating has fallen again to 33%, which truly is circling the bowl.
A White House official shares his glee that the raid on suspected terrorists in London “would yield political gains.”
And then to the Bushies' absolute favoritist. luvvy smoochie-poo "Democrat", Joementum:
Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT) once called using national security issues for political purposes “just unacceptable and in my opinion un-American.” Yesterday he said that a timeline for Iraq redeployment (backed by 57 percent of Americans) “will be taken as a tremendous victory by the same people who wanted to blow up these planes in this plot hatched in England. It will strengthen them and they will strike again.”