Credit Where Credit Is Due
Many media outlets are claiming that the blogosphere (I'm more inclined toward Skippy's patented "Blogtopia" phrase myself) has the right to pat itself on the back for the removal of Joe Lieberman as the Dem Senatorial candidate from Connecticut. But I think blogs only account for some of the momentum - NOT Joementum - for Lieberman's defeat.
For example, we cannot help but recognize that the single biggest motivator to remove Lieberman is and was Lieberman himself. He was the one who put his goose in a big roasting pan and kept basting.
But a lot of people in Connecticut - probably the majority of which do NOT read blogs - deserve credit, too. They weighed the choices and decided that Lamont sounded a heluva lot better than Joementum. And they came out in big numbers for a primary. I must admit that the short time during which I was registered with a specific party, I never bothered to vote in a primary, only the November real deals.
Blogs did a heck of a lot of work, no doubt. But I'm inclined to keep some perspective.