
A Few Wrinkles in the Britain Liquid Bomb Transatlantic Terror Plot

As MissM noted sagely in comments yesterday, who knows when we'll be able to take a crappy cup of coffee on board an airplane after this supposed terror plot was revealed yesterday (and the timing of it remains just so terribly interesting).

But here's the absolutely ridiculous part of it.

For all the toe nail clippers and suntan lotion the airport screeners take away from you, when you board a plane, all the stuff you're sitting on top of - down in the deep dark recesses of the cargo hold - remains as absolutely unchecked today as it was on September 10th, 2001.

For all the crap we've gone through making 94-year-old women take off their shoes and getting patted down and x-rayed and profiled and pillaried, there is STILL NO screening of the cargo that goes on board a plane.

No wonder Bush screwed up his face yesterday and had trouble getting out the words, "America is safer than it was on September 11th."

We are NOT safer. As I've written, every action of the Bushies and neo-cons has made us substantially less safe. The billions the Bushies handed to their buddies for no-bid homeland "security" contracts were just that: money for the Bush friends.