
Bob Novak: Giuliani Will Run for GOP Nomination for President in '08

Well, crap, Bob: even the comatose George Bush could have told us that. Why don't you go out another CIA operative or something, Bob-o?

The irony here is two-fold:
1) those with a brain know that Rudolph (Rudy the Red Egoed) Giuliani is hopelessly in bed with all the wrong people and
2) the people who hailed him as "America's mayor" won't touch him because he's
a) a serious adulterer
b) on wife #3
c) Catholic
d) they remember the stench of Bernard (Bernie) Kerik whom Bush and Giuliani tried to force through as Dept of Homeland Security czar
e) oh those old Mob connection allegations and let's not forget
f) from the Northeast, specifically their least favorite designated Sodom and Gomorrah, New York City.