GOPer: Taking Care of a Sick Immigrant Child "Helping New Generation of Terrorists"
Here's a run-down of the intelligence of the "new" GOP, a la Think Progress:
A Treasury Department analysis “presented in the Mid-Session Review itself confirms what outside experts have consistently said - tax cuts do not come remotely close to paying for themselves.”
Conservatives are outraged that a strict new immigration bill in Colorado still allows children of undocumented immigrants to receive public assistance like food and healthcare: “We’re helping create the next generation of terrorists,” said Rep. Debbie Stafford, R-Aurora.
Spencer Ackerman on the Pentagon’s claim that U.S. military detainees are now protected by the Geneva Conventions: “The very obvious loophole is what will happen to detainees outside of
U.S. military custody — as in CIA custody, such as the so-called ‘black sites,’ where Geneva is a sick joke.”
Michael Savage: “Liberalism is, in essence, the HIV virus.”