
More Lies (That Matter) on Iraq

Red Harvest brings us two of them. First:

Today's San Francisco Chronicle has a story about the most recently-leaked British memos regarding the run-up to the invasion of Iraq.

Then this on Napalm-fueled bombing in Iraq:
According to a story in the (U.K.) Independent, the U.S. military, evidently hellbent on bolstering comparisons to VietNam, has used napalm-containing firebombs--specifically MK-77s--during the Iraq War, and then lied about it to our British "coalition partners". While the use of napalm canister munitions in Iraq has previously been reported, this is the first I, and no doubt many others, have heard about it. For more in-depth discussion of the use of firebombs in Iraq, visit The Heretik and Freiheit und Wissen.