The General's Operation Yellow Elephant: A Point of Clarification
I know some folks have come here for the first time because of the banner and ad I have running for Operation Yellow Elephant, the brainchild of General JC Christian, somebody whose work I admire and enjoy tremendously.
If you visit the General, he lays out pretty clearly that Operation Yellow Elephant is designed to target Young Republicans - college age and in good health - who are so damned gung ho about Bush's wars yet so critical that more aren't enlisting; the general - I believe - suggests that these fine folks enlist themselves if they believe so damned much in Bush's wars.
Here, I haven't always made it obvious about the General's specific target group. So any confusion there is mine, not his (or is it His?). But I clearly think it's a grand idea and I support it wholeheartedly. If I've contributed to this confusion, I apologize. But blame me, not the General. I assumed people would follow the links to the general's site and learn more - silly me!
[That's another thing a progressive or liberal does that GOPers like Rove and Bush cannot: they clarify and take responsibility. You should learn from it, boys!]