You're a Traitor if You Don't Love Bush and All He Does
Hunter at DailyKos points out what is all too obvious to most of us now but not to the happy Koolaid Konsumers:
Conservative blogger John Cole continues to have a complete rundown of the pro-Rove defenses, and isn't much impressed with any of them. See here, here, here, here, and here.Bottom line: those defending Rove are full of it. While the RNC and White House are so far solidly endorsing Rove's attacks, the defenses are intellectually bankrupt, and it doesn't take longer than a few choice quotes to prove it. It's also become clear that the Rove hatchet job -- coming in the middle of a highly unusual publicity blitz by Rove himself, which itself is being cited as the initial preparations for a full-scale White House attack against their critics -- was fully intentional.
There's going to be blowback, here. New Yorkers and others aren't going to sit by while the White House itself calls them traitors.
We now know these talking points were White House approved and distributed. That's why this is so important: there's more of this coming, for anyone who doesn't sharply toe the Bush Administration line, and it's happening right now for a reason. The stories coming out in the next month are going to be very, very bad for Bush and for everyone involved in selling the Iraq War. Bush's numbers have absolutely tanked, the Downing Street documents are getting more and more attention, Bush and Cheney are increasingly seen as so out-of-touch with ground reports from Iraq as to border on slightly delusional, and Senate Democrats are beginning to increasingly demand specific documents relating to the ("fixed?") claims made by the Bush Administration in the runup to the Iraq War.
Therefore, anyone who doesn't support Bush's failed and increasingly unpopular policies is a traitor. That's the line they're going with.