
The Love Affair with Congress is So Over (Cough)

Posted by RJ Eskow at Skippy:

... according to a fox news poll! only 17% of those polled consider members of congress to be "statesmen doing service for their country," while 63% think they are are "petty politicians fighting for personal gain." according to angus reid consultants, the negative sentiment stretches across party lines.
    57 per cent of self-described republicans, 65 per cent of independents and 68 per cent of democrats believe lawmakers are petty politicians ... 61 per cent of respondents say they cannot think of any legislation passed this year that will improve the quality of life of most americans.
and, hey,you know ... republicans, like, totally dominate congress!so ... let's see ... bush's approval ratings are in the toilet, and so are those of his compatriots in congress. why, then, are democrats like joe biden so afraid to differentiate themselves from these losers?