Fellow Vermonters, MoveOn Wants Your Opinion
MoveOn.org is asking for Vermont voters to offer them feedback on whether they should commit resources to the discussion of a possible run by our single U.S. House Rep. Bernie Sanders to try to capture the U.S. Senate seat to be vacated by the retiring Jim Jeffords, now an Independent.
I posted the other day some of my thoughts about this on the day of Jeffords' unfortunate announcement. But while I'm of two minds on losing Bernie in the House (and that damned House needs more Bernies and less Toms and Dennys), I and my partner (that tall, good looking blonde man I live with) told MoveOn we supported their support of Bernie for whatever he decides to do.
Is Bernie perfect? No. But he's even better; Bernie is human.. and human is damned good compared to the "Godly" Frist, DeLay and Bush. Give me a human who tries his or her best over these faith-based fools anyday.
Yea or nay, if you're a Vermonter, take a moment to let MoveOn know your opinion.
[And a thanks to David Sirota who called this to attention. While I already had the MoveOn letter, David's e-mail notice helped me be sure I knew.]