
Do You Like the President's Energy Initiatives?

In poll after poll, the overwhelming answer is NO (on CNN, the poll's running right now and 71% say no, for example; those who've studied CNN polls know how centrist or to-the-right many of their votes go). This includes the WaPo poll I cited on Monday.

Today, Bush says let's relax nuclear standards and build more refineries. That's been his answer throughout and why you see so many ads from the coal industry telling us coal actually makes America cleaner. ::choke::

If you heard his speech last week, played on Monday on the Daily Show, you heard the president say that since 1970s, air and water here has gotten cleaner and cleaner. Then you also saw Bill Frist standing in the background looking incredulous that anyone could say this.

Under Bush's watch in Texas, pollution jumped astronomically. There is far more evidence that the US has gotten much more polluted on Bush's watch as president than not.

Under that same watch, wages have dropped, cost of living has soared, and energy prices have never been higher.

Go out and look at the sky on a sunny day. Look at a sunset and see all the colors (colors that weren't there 20-30 years ago). Go look at a river. Then ask yourself if everything has gotten wonderful. The answer is simply no.