
Woman is Just Meat to Team DeLay

Also reported by Atrios:

From Linda Douglass on ABC News tonight (no transcript available online):

ABC News has obtained talking points circulated among Republican senators explaining why they should intervene in the Schiavo case. Among them: "This is an important moral issue and the pro-life base will be excited..." and "This is a great political issue... this is a tough issue for Democrats."
Watch the news shows and watch how almost invariably, only one side is represented. CNN was running about 10 Schiavo/pro nutbase to any appearance of anyone speaking for the husband. They keep showing that one picture from four years ago in which Terri appears to be responding and is all done up with makeup.

They also usually keep doctors at arm's length because counter to the claims by the family, Terri is not talking, and laughing, and all the other things they say. Medical staff in court documents for years have indicated that Terri's brain has had much of her brain matter replaced with fluid. She does not respond to deep pain stimuli (a very strong sign of brain damage). She does not talk. The most charitable and generous medical description of her capabilities indicates she shows the functioning of a mentally impaired three-month old.

And bear in mind that this Congress, fighting so hard for a woman in an irreversible state for 15 years, happily sends men and women to war each day without armor. At least in part because of this, a record number of soldiers are returning in Terri Schiavo's state. As mentioned earlier, Bush's new budget cuts veterans benefits for things like nursing homes for them.