I've seen a number of newcasts where family members of brain injured people are saying the Schiavo case is just murder because...."this is our story".
But while sometimes people who are pronounced as tremendously brain damaged can make amazing progress, we can't confuse "brain damaged" as a catch-all category with the Schiavo case. Parts of Mrs. Schiavo's brain are liquified. This isn't someone who's going to magically eat a pretzel next week or go on the "Ellen" show next month.
Here's another misnomer: that a feeding tube isn't life support. It is. When you have a feeding tube inserted in such a way in a person who cannot - because of severe brain damage - even do something as involuntary as swallow, a feeding tube is indeed life support.
Do I still agree there should be a much better way for her to die than to be deprived of food and water? Oh yes. But the same people who are hell bent on raising Terri from the dead for Easter week are the same people who try to block every piece of legislation designed to allow people who choose to die on their own terms with proper medical palliative support from doing so.
When these people call themselves "champions of life", what they really mean is that they're willing to fight and perhaps kill to insist that YOU live YOUR life according to THEIR dictates. God gave us free will, these people take it away. God gave us minds, and these people insist they don't use theirs and will do all in their power to keep you from using yours.
If these people are indeed the great Christians they insist they are, I'd sure hate to see the bad Christians because they hate everything that our maker gave us.