
So Who's Making Assumptions?

Thanks to kos, I visited a wire service article stating how much the Rabid Wrongies (my new terminology for the people who call themselves GOP conservatives but who bear about as much resemblance to strong conservative or former GOP idealogy as I have to Kate Moss) are all giggly about the "opportunities" the Schiavo case represents for them to push forward their agenda.

Now, for days, we've heard so many - including the MSM - criticize anyone who dares imply that DeLay and Company have an agenda they're hammering into us.

Yet more and more, you see the completely unhinged Randall Terry, the "Operation Rescue" basket case who is not chief strategic advisor to Schiavo's mother), having a total almost sexual meltdown on the topic on every media outlet and we're hearing more and more of how Schiavo is the darling of their anti-abortion cause.

Here's a snippet from the wire article:

Christian evangelicals, a key component in President Bush's Republican Party, believe the case of brain-damaged Florida woman Terri Schiavo may help inject new life into their long campaign against abortion.

"The right-to-life issue has been with us for over 30 years but never has it dominated the news headlines day after day as it is doing now," said Louis Sheldon, chairman of the Traditional Values Coalition (news - web sites).

"This case has generated a kind of inspirational activism. It is giving revival and renewal to millions of people who feel strongly about the culture of life and the protection of life," he said.

Republican leaders and President Bush had little choice other than to respond to Christian evangelical demands on the Schiavo case or risk alienating a crucial part of their political base, political analysts said.

"Bush and the Republicans can't do all that much on many of the things the religious right cares about. They can't end abortion rights and they can only ban gay marriage so many times," said American University political scientist David Lublin, who has studied the evangelical community.

"Here's a way they can tell their supporters, 'Look, we're acting on your agenda,"' Lublin said.

...Polls have shown a majority of Americans support Schiavo's husband, who has been fighting to allow her to die. For example, an ABC News poll on Monday found 63 percent favored keeping Schiavo's feeding tube out; only 28 percent wanted to have it reinserted. The poll found 70 percent of people said it was inappropriate for Congress to get involved.
And many polls show stronger opposition and less agreement than this one.

There's not even any noticeable cognitive dissonance among the media that the Rabid Wrongies are saying the same thing opponents like me state. ::shaking head::muttering::refusing to take map of Canada out of my filing cabinet again::