we knew it was true, and now awol admits it...though, to be fair, he only made a mistake saying it, and went back to correct himself as soon as he realized he said it wrong.
campaigning in ohio today, awol said it out loud: if he's elected*, there will be a draft. oops! reuters:the president said he was outraged when the massachusetts democrat told the des moines register this week that there was "great potential" for a draft for iraq if bush were re-elected -- even though bush had said in a televised debate with kerry that there wouldn't be one. but he made a gaffe in his delivery.
"after standing on the stage, after the debates, i made it very plain: we will not have an all-volunteer army," bush told a rally in daytona beach.
realizing his error a few seconds later, bush said: "let me restate that: we will not have a draft. no matter what my opponent tries to tell people and scare them, we will have an all-volunteer army. the only person talking about a draft is my opponent."
Emphasis mine. Bush often tells the truth in his misspeaks... (example: "The world would be safer without us." and "Some say Iraq would be better off if we never went there. And they was right!").