
Time to Increase Bill Safire's Senility Meds

Safire is back today with another of his imagined columns, "What would Dick Nixon Do?". You know, like someone besides Safire and perhaps Bob Dole still care what Nixon would have done about anything. Hell, I've run into several reasonably intelligent 20-somethings who don't even flicker a hint of recognition at Nixon's name. Oh, the infamy.

This time the subject is Iraq, Bill Clinton, and advice for John Kerry on winning Election 2004. If a dead Nixon can give advice to a Democrat about elections in the Bush era, you might as well spank me and call me Marie Antoinette.

Bill? We might be able to get Peggy Noonan to scoot her bony little ass over on the loon bush so you can sit between her and Krauthammer, if we can get her to stop gushing about Reagan long enough to get her attention. Doubtful. Unfortunately, Krauthammer can't psychoanalyze her because she's not a Democrat and because he only finds pathology in blue state folks.

(I won't share with you my belief that Charles Krauthammer and who knows, maybe even Safire himself, dress up like J. Edgar in drag on weekends. I know Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity must.)