
Nightline: Power Still Not Plenty in Iraq

Nightline has two interesting pieces up tonight, one about a soldier who's believed to have been held hostage for more than two months (since around the time of that convoy attack that created so many fatalities and bedlam) and the issue about how often power is out in Iraq.

Now, around this time of year, Iraq's temps go up above 100 degrees regularly during the height of daylight. Imagine spending hours a day, if not whole days, without the ability to run so much as a ceiling fan, let alone an air conditioner. Consider how that one small issue - and power was FINE in Iraq until we arrived - for a second straight summer could have a profound impact on the level of frustration, violence, and anti-Americanism.

Dave Maresh tells us the biggest problem in Iraq - a country with so many problems - is insecurity in its many forms. One of the few booming businesses there now are private security firms.

Sadly, no one's seen or heard of the captured soldier for nearly as long as he's been held. He's the only one unaccounted for from that period of time.