
The Real Reason We Attacked?

I'm sorry, but I find this story of one of Saddam's palaces being used to host a big SuperBowl party tomorrow to be disgusting on so many levels, I cannot begin to count. Since the day the first tank rolled into Iraq, we've used these palaces for photo ops that made us seem like shallow imperialists.

For the record, I don't believe our below-minimum wage soldiers are shallow imperialists. But I think the people who set the stage for this and then gave the OK for it suffer from a bad case of this and it has severely, perhaps irrevocably changed America's stature in the world's eyes.

Remember? We were going to give the palaces back to the people of Iraq who paid for them. But we haven't. We use them for Paul Bremer, and visiting American dignitaries, and visits from celebrities, and SuperBowl parties. I'm sure we're not going to pay the people of Iraq rent for our use of them either.