
Listening to Joe Trippi

being interviewed by (sigh) Deborah Norville. The into says he walked, not was let go, by the Howard Dean campaign (Trippi was campaign manager). I'd much rather have this conducted by Keith Olbermann but you takes what you gets, so to speak.

Oops, Dean said he didn't fire anyone, and was willing to keep on Trippi although not in the same position as campaign manager. Trippi says he's "still with" Dean, that he still expects him to be the nominee, and expects to be a "citizen Dean supporter" now. He says he thinks the Dean campaign may very well be the last chance for the American people to change the system and the way it has worked.

Trippi is breaking up right now (emotionally, not just by way of cell phone). He seems like a class act - none of the nastiness like when that fellow was let go by Kerry a few months ago, then showed up on Hardball to take swipes at Kerry on the night of the Iowa caucus win.

I think Trippi did very well by Dean and by the American public. I hope he continues to be involved. We need good people like this.