
How wild does...

Kerry-Dean sound? No, I don't believe the conventional wisdom that Dean is in serious trouble, but I'm ready to think about any needed game plan. Edwards went on record today saying he doesn't want to be Veep. However, I continue to think Dean-Clark would be a stronger force.

I don't dislike Kerry. I'd certainly entertain the possibility of voting for him. His history as a major thorn in the side of Nixon alone is one nice credential. He not only served in the military, he was a strong voice in analyzing the wrong of Vietnam. But I know Dean better, and I think he's my first choice (in so much as I have one).

I hope this isn't like me and TV shows. I watch little TV except news analysis, but once I begin to like a program, it's a sure sign it's about to be canceled. I don't think Dean should be canceled. He's given us a lot so far, and I think he could be a very good choice. Am I happy that he's NRA friendly? No. But he's fiscally frugal, he's intelligent and dynamic, and he was a very good (if imperfect) Vermont governor.