Speaking of the Pentagon and The Lies of Donald Rumsfeld
[Ed. note: For those who missed it, Keith Olbermann's special comments on Donald Rumsfeld's shameful lies and rhetoric, go here.]
This past week [see "Rummy's Rampage" at Countdown with Keith Olbermann], when Secretary of the Indefensible Defense Donald Rumsfeld whined apoplectic that it was a SAD COMMENTARY that a search of newspaper databases turned up SOOOOO many stories about a single case of abuse at Abu Ghraib while almost NO articles about the first person to win a medal in the "global war on terror" (which, for the Bushies, means a war against everything from Democrats and the middle class to any nation with oil reserves that won't just hand them off to Halliburton, Unocal, ExxonMobil, and Dick (and what a dick!) Cheney), you should have been just as pissed off as I am.
See, Mr. Rumsfeld is far more responsible for the soldier - and the climate that created the situation - charged with the torture and prisoner abuse in Iraq than he is for anything else. To PRETEND that he cares about the soldier winning the medal is bullshit.
Mr. Rumsfeld is the man who sent countless troops into battle without body armor. Without armored vehicles. Without enough bullets. Without a plan. Without any good reason. Meanwhile, I hear that Rummy gives some of the most elaborate and expensive dinner parties in ALL of Washington. I mean, nothing says "respect for our troops" being paid less than minimum wage for Bush's Blunders like Rumsfeld serving $50 a bottle wine and the finest pate in ALL of America, right?
So Donny Boy, save your hyperbole and false piety for somebody who gives a fuck about you. WE as progressives and liberals and centrists care FAR more about the troops than you and your sick fuck ilk EVER will.